
Migraine Triggers Identified

by Sheela Philomena on Jan 26 2013 10:01 PM

Spending hours hunching over a computer screen, not getting enough sleep could be blamed for migraines, say scientists.

 Migraine Triggers Identified
Spending hours hunching over a computer screen, not getting enough sleep could be blamed for migraines, say scientists.
According to headache specialist nurse Vicky Quarshie, the pressures of modern life can be as disabling as dietary triggers like takeaways, red wine, cheese and chocolate, the Daily Mail reported.

She said that some sufferers were falling victim to attacks because they were desperately trying not to eat certain foods but neglecting their posture and becoming over-dependent on painkillers.

A migraine attack can last between four and 72 hours causing visual disturbances, dizziness, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound, mostly affecting adults aged between 30 and 50.

Many find certain foods and additives including monosodium glutamate in smoky bacon, kippers, and Chinese takeaways are triggers, but Quarshie said that paying attention to lifestyle can stave off attacks.

Skipping meals could bring on a migraine, as well as supermarket shopping and gym workouts late at night.

Hunching over computers, laptops, and gaming consoles could lead to neck and back pain and muscle tension that may spark an attack, she said.

Children were at risk by carrying a school bag weighed down with books and PE kit over one shoulder, while modern laptops encouraged poor posture with the same effect.

Quarshie said that many sufferers who have trouble sleeping due to pain cited 'going to the gym' as a way of 'relaxing' but pumping iron and cardio work-outs actually increased tension in those prone to headaches, who would be better off sinking into a chair while listening to soothing music.

She recommended a 20 minute pre-bedtime routine of simple exercises like toe wriggling to ensure a good night's sleep.

She warned painkillers may now contain caffeine as a pick-me-up, when it could be a trigger, and people had forgotten basic rules about eating and sleeping routines.

The findings were presented at the Study of Headache conference in Hull.










