A leading Indian mind trainer and motivator has been helping South Africans to improve their lives by unlocking the power of the subconscious mind
A leading Indian mind trainer and motivator has been helping South Africans to improve their lives by unlocking the power of the subconscious mind. Jeetendra Adhia's workshops in various cities seek to teach people how to use the subconscious activated state of the mind which he says lies between the conscious state and sleep.
"Even the most successful people have never utilised more than 10 percent of their mind power," Adhia told students at workshops that were held in the mainly Indian areas of Lenasia, Mayfair, Actonville and Roshnee in Gauteng province."Though it was an exhausting 35-day tour, the love of the South African people did not tire me out," Adhia told IANS. "Even my presentations were adapted and my ways of dealing with people changed."
Most of those who attended the workshops were from the Gujarati-speaking Hindu community. Adhia, who has lectured in several countries, found South African students to be "very quiet".
"They are very shy and don't speak much. Even if I ask them questions, they keep quiet and if I encourage them to ask me questions, they don't. It is interesting because in other countries they are not like that."
Adhia's South Africa tour was organised by a US-based retired businessman, Dayabhai Patel, who felt that his family and friends could benefit from the programme.
Adhia said he wanted to teach South Africans to also become trainers and had received 38 applications from people from different religions because his ideas had no religious bias.
-Edited IANS