
Minnie Driver Turns to Green Apples and Cucumbers for Baby Girl

by Hannah Punitha on Jun 15 2008 5:06 PM

English actress Minnie Driver has revealed that she has been craving for green apples and cucumbers after her dreams about her baby.

English actress Minnie Driver has revealed that she has been craving for green apples and cucumbers after dreaming that her unborn baby loves all things veggie.

Driver had been sure that she would want to have sweet things throughout her pregnancy, and was happy to find out that all her cravings are focused on things good and green.

"Green apples are my obsession and cucumber and snap peas, all green foods. It's weird. I really haven't had this huge appetite," Contactmusic quoted her as saying.

"There's no room to eat tons of stuff. I was ready for having this massive appetite that I heard about but it just never kicked in. I'm really quite lucky.

"I had a dream and they told me in the dream that her (baby) favourite colour is green. Maybe that's why I like green food so much," she said.

The Good Will Hunting actress has three more months to go before giving birth to her first child, and she admits that she is having an "easy pregnancy" now the morning sickness has abated.

"I have a bionic sense of smell that's hardcore. Everything becomes overpowering like aftershave, perfume, and scented candles," she said.

"I'm happy the nausea finally went away; that was the worst part, the sickness and the throwing up to begin with was wretched. Otherwise it's been very peaceful," she added.

