
Moderation Is The Only Cure For Hangover

A research team belonging to the Peninsula Medical School has revealed that there is no evidence which proves that hangover cures do work.

A research team belonging to the Peninsula Medical School has revealed that there is no evidence which proves that hangover cures do work. The UK alone loses £ 2 billion by way of lost wages as a result of hangovers every year. The news which was published in the British Medical Journal recommends moderation while drinking to prevent hangover. As many as eight agents like propranolol, a yeast based product, tropisetron, fructose, tolfenamic acid, artichoke, prickly pear, and the dietary supplements borage were looked into by the trials. Nausea medications and nutritional supplements do not help either.

The Internet media is being utilized to market a variety of hangover cures. None of them were found to be an effective cure for the condition. The artichoke extract was also studied as a part of the research, and the results were not encouraging. The human body has to cure itself of the after effects of drinking, according to the study. There was seen to be an increase of 0.4% where fatal alcohol poisonings are concerned during the holiday season alcohol consumption.

The Clotam product of Provalis Plc serves to reduce the intensity of symptoms like dry mouth, tremors, vomiting, thirst, headache, nausea, and irritation. The severity of the hangover was also seen to be reduced by the herb borage. The effects of hangover do not seem to discourage drinking either. The symptoms of hangover are reduced ability with regard to performing visual spatial tasks, impaired memory, concentration problems, lightheadedness, and nausea. The biological changes which take place during a hangover should be taken into account in all future studies on hangover, according to the researchers.









