An interesting research throws more light on which parent makes babies tall or plump after all.
A study conducted by researchers from the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital postulates that the fathers are to be blamed if babies are born short. Mothers seem to determine how plump babies finally become.
The study is still in progress. But the researchers say that results derived so far, clearly point out that, tall babies indeed have tall fathers. The children of fat fathers, however, did not seem to be on the plumper side. Conversely, babies of mothers who are plump were seen to have greater birth weights. Researchers pointed out that, heavier mothers tend to have more blood sugar in their body. Increased blood sugar levels have been proven to increase the birth weight of babies.These results confirm that both genetic as well as environmental factors affect a baby's development explained researcher Dr.Beatrice Knight. She explained that the early years of a baby, reflects the health of a person in later years of his or her life.
The researchers have scrutinized over 1,000 families studying in detail, their height and weight charts of both parents and their respective babies. This study spans the first two years of the babies' lives. The researchers are in an effort to identify the genes responsible for growth in the early years of development.
The environment, in which a baby grows, the womb, seems to be the most formidable influence .Therefore the blood sugar levels and consequentially the size of the mother decidedly affect a baby’s size and birth weight. The genetic influence of the father is also very strong and has a direct bearing on the baby's height, emphasizes the researchers.
The researchers expressed gratitude to all parents for their co-operation; especially fathers who complied with blood tests. This was essential to identify the genetic basis that determines babies' growth.