Money can't buy you love, but it definitely can help you live a longer life.
Wealth may not buy you love. What it can deliver though, is a long life.
According to a new study, by longevity experts Club Vita, there is a very strong link between high affluence and living longer.To reach the conclusion, Club Vita analysed the correlation between how much people earn and life expectancy levels, reports The Telegraph.
The research said that there are clear parallels between areas of high income and the chance to enjoy a long retirement.
The study showed that people living in Kensington and Chelsea live the longest in the UK to 86.6 - 6 years above the national average, while the average weekly household income is second highest in the country.
Conversely, Glasgow has the lowest life expectancy of anywhere in the UK at just 74 years. Weekly household income there is ninth lowest in the country.
Nick Flint, Chief Executive of Club Vita said: "The link between high wealth and increased life expectancy has been suspected but our analysis highlights the true extent of the longevity gap between the haves and have-nots in society."