Having a disruptive behavior in childhood could destroy your chances of earning a higher income in the future, finds a new study. In this study, boys inattention in kindergarten is being associated with lower earnings 30 years later.

‘Disruptive behavioral problems in the first years of life have been found to be early predictors of lower employment earnings in adulthood’

The study was done by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, the University of Montreal, University College Dublin, Ste-Justine Hospital Research Center, L'Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Économiques, Centre pour la Recherche Économique et ses Applications, Statistics Canada, and Université de Bordeaux. The research is published in JAMA Pediatrics.

"Identifying early childhood behavioral problems associated with economic success or failure is essential for developing targeted interventions that enhance economic prosperity through improved educational attainment and social integration," explains Daniel Nagin, professor of public policy and statistics at Carnegie Mellon University's Heinz College, who co-authored the study.
The study looked at 920 boys who were six years old and lived in low-income neighborhoods in Montreal, Canada, beginning in 1984 and continuing through 2015. The boys' kindergarten teachers were asked to rate the boys on five behaviors typically assessed at that age: inattention, hyperactivity, physical aggression, opposition, and prosocial behavior. Prosocial behavior is social behavior that benefits others, like helping, cooperating, and sharing.
Findings revealed that the teachers' ratings of boys' inattention--characterized as poor concentration, distractibility, having one's head in the clouds, and lacking persistence--were associated with lower earnings when the students were 35 to 36 years old.
In addition, prosocial behavior was associated with higher earnings; examples of prosocial behavior included trying to stop quarrels, inviting bystanders to join in a game, and trying to help someone who has been hurt.
The study found that hyperactivity, aggression, and opposition were not significantly associated with changes in later earnings.
"Monitoring inattention and low levels of prosocial behavior should begin in kindergarten, so at-risk boys can be identified early and targeted with intervention and support," suggests Sylvana Cote of the University of Montreal and the University of Bordeaux, who co-authored the study.