
More Doctors Need To be Hired

More doctors need to be recruited, and existing practitioners retained to meet the targets of the NHS to raise the number of doctors to 600 by the year 2006. The BMA Scottish Consultants Committee’s Chairman Mr. Clive Davis has revealed that the number of vacancies are at 307, which is reportedly an all time high, and has announced that the target set may not be attained by the Executive. More consultants need to be hired in Scotland on an urgent basis, according to him.

Efforts should also be taken to retain the existing work force of consultants. There is a lot of bureaucracy involved in hiring doctors which should be done away with, according to Davis. This is absolutely essential to meet the health targets that have been set by the ministers in 2005. The entire strategy of improving healthcare may be doomed to failure unless proper measures were implemented, and more doctors recruited.
