
More Funds required for Asian Countries to fight Bird Flu

World wide fears of bird flu pandemic is high as researchers feel that if mutation of the bird flu virus occurs it may lead to millions of death world wide as the virus could have the capacity to air borne transmission leading spread in humans. Bird flu infection started in China from spread to poultry of bird flu virus from the river Qinghai and China as reported its seventh death due to bird flu recently in the Sanming City. World Health Organization feels that the bird flu infection started in Asian poultry and the pandemic of bird flu infection could start from Asia as it as already infected more than 130 people in Asia.

WHO feels that the Asian countries should stop the spread of bird flu by culling and quarantining the entire infected poultry, which requires more funding from developed countries as culling of poultry could lead to great economic loss to the economically backward countries. The developed countries should start funding the Asian countries like Thailand and Indonesia for fighting bird flu by providing them with bird flu drugs, vaccines and compensation to the poultry farmers.
