Men who devote lots of time to paid work and household chores get more sex.
Men who devote lots of time to paid work and household chores get more sex, finds a new study.
And the same applies to women.These are the conclusion of a new US study of almost 7000 married couples, reports The Sydney Morning Herald.
Published in the Journal of Family Issues, the study denies the ideology that the "time crunch" has killed passion stone dead.
"As life gets busier and time gets tighter, a select group of go-getter spouses can successfully balance multiple time commitments," say the authors, Constance Gager, of Montclair State University, New Jersey, and Scott Yabiku, of Arizona State University.
Barbara Pocock, the director of the Centre for Work and Life at the University of South Australia, in a study of Australian working women found resentment over housework killed libido.
"Women's feelings about their husband were shaped by perceptions of fairness around housework," she said. "If the resentment factor was high that's when their sex life was not great. The best sex aid a man could use was a vacuum cleaner."
The US researchers said: "The much-lamented speed-up of everyday life ... does not appear to have adverse effects on sexual frequency."