
More Women Diagnosed With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or C.O.P.D

Nearly 12 million Americans suffer chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or C.O.P.D and the leading cause of this condition is smoking.

Nearly 12 million Americans suffer chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or C.O.P.D and the leading cause of this condition is smoking. Even after years of kicking the habit, many people still suffer one of the deleterious effects of smoking – C.O.P.D

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or C.O.P.D., which kills more than 12,000 Americans annually, gradually but permanently impairs the lungs. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease includes two types of diseases- emphysema, which destroys the lungs’ air sacs and severe bronchitis which causes swelling, congestion and injury in the airways.

Cigarettes are the leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease worldwide. Pollution in the environment from smoke after burning wood, coal, dung can also trigger the condition. The vulnerable lot include women and children.

“It’s the largest uncontrolled epidemic of disease in the United States today,” said Dr. James Crapo, a professor at the National Jewish Medical and Research Center.

Chronic lung disease often escapes diagnosis, or is misdiagnosed. Even if it is diagnosed treatment measures are inappropriate. According to experts, this disease abounds in myths, commonly mistaken for asthma. This results in the wrong choice of treatment.

The therapies for C.O.P D hover around a combination of drugs, exercise programs, oxygen and lung surgery. Preventive medication which must be employed on a regular basis is necessary. Most importantly patients have to give up smoking.

Patients also require antibiotics to battle lung infections, and timely vaccines to prevent flu and pneumonia. They would do well with breathing techniques to help them cope with a reduced lung capacity. Many victims will need to cut down their weight and may need guidelines to alter their diet. Exercise is an absolute must to cope with C.O.P.D.










