Novel training techniques may help prepare future physicians to deliver bad news over the phone without talking directly with breast cancer patients.
Most women are now getting their diagnosis of breast cancer over the phone. New study develops novel training methods to prepare future physicians to deliver bad news without talking directly in person, reports a new study. The findings of the study are published in the journal Supportive Care in Cancer. Researchers surveyed nearly 2,900 breast cancer patients who were diagnosed between 1967 and 2017. The research revealed before 2007, about 25 percent of patients learned of their diagnosis over the telephone. After 2007, that number increased to more than 50 percent. Since 2015, that number has grown to 60 percent.
‘Increasing number of women are now getting their diagnosis of breast cancer over the phone as new research are now including additional training to talk about situations and methods for breaking the bad news over the phone.
"When we analyzed the data, I was astonished to find such a clear trend," said Jane McElroy, Ph.D., professor of family and community medicine at the MU School of Medicine and lead author of the study. "Historically, physicians have decided to use their best judgment when delivering a diagnosis, whether it's in person or over the phone. Nowadays, some patients want to hear this information over the phone."Talking with patients in person about a severe illness or disease is considered best practice at hospitals and medical schools across the country, including at MU Health Care. However, McElroy's research has prompted changes to the MU School of Medicine's curriculum for medical students.
"We are now including additional training for first-year medical students to talk about situations and techniques for breaking the bad news over the phone," said Natalie Long, MD, assistant professor of clinical family and community medicine at the MU School of Medicine.
Long was not directly involved with the study but adjusted the curriculum after talking with McElroy about the study findings. "The digital age has changed our perception of how we want to get news. I think younger patients want to know news faster."
Many of the same principals taught for delivering bad news in person can be applied to phone conversations, according to Long. The key is learning beforehand how the patient wishes to be informed. Best practices include making sure the patient is in an excellent place to talk, using good listening skills, showing empathy, ensuring the patient has a support system around them and developing a follow-up plan.
"This patient-centered approach to notification shows we are leading the next generation of physicians," McElroy said, "When we looked at how other hospitals are confronting this dilemma, we realized we're on the forefront of this discussion by training our medical students before they have to deliver difficult diagnoses as physicians."