Culturally, we view motherhood through a rainbow colored lens of numerous emotions and feelings. If mothers are not happy with themselves, they will not be able to make everyone around them happy. They have to learn to fill their cup first'. Here are some tips to build the lost self-respect and confidence.

‘Spending just 5 minutes a day journaling, meditating, exercising can make you feel good about yourself and can make you more happier and calmer.’

Often caught with the roles and responsibilities of motherhood, women find it hard to navigate through the journey of developing their individuality. This results in a physical and emotional fallout, lack of self-respect and sometimes even losing confidence. 

Samira Gupta, a life coach and Image Consultant said, 'if mothers are not happy with themselves, they will not be able to make everyone around them happy. They have to learn to fill their cup first'. Here are some tips to build the lost self-respect and confidence:
Get rid of the cloud of expectations - Most mothers spend their lives fulfilling others expectations. In the quest of making others happy they forget to honor themselves. This leaves them stressed, un-fulfilled, un-happy, angry or sad. When we feel such negative emotions, we tend to transmit them into our families.
Work on your internal well-being - Self-respect and confidence are feelings that well up from within when you make time to do the necessary internal work. This could mean fulfilling your dreams, developing your professional life, travelling, or even taking the time in the morning to rejuvenate your soul.
The feel-good factor - Feeling good about yourself can happen through big social validations or through daily personal appreciation. This feeling can be felt in as little as 5 minutes in a day. You don't have to go on a week-long retreat, or spend a lot of money in a massage parlor. Journaling, meditating, exercising- whatever works for you, do it every single day. It changes everything.
Nurture yourself - It is a motherly instinct to nurture, and the one person they should nurture throughout their lives is, themselves. Coach Samira always advocates for mothers to engage in non-negotiable self-prioritization and to get rid of the 'mom-guilt'.