The Madhya Pradesh government Friday unveiled a scheme to eradicate malnutrition among children, the state's Minister for Public Health and Family Welfare Ajay Vishnoi said
The Madhya Pradesh government Friday unveiled a scheme to eradicate malnutrition among children, the state's Minister for Public Health and Family Welfare Ajay Vishnoi said.
The 'Bal Shakti Yojana' - strong child scheme - is to be implemented jointly by the public health and the women and child development departments, Vishnoi told reporters here."The scheme for treatment and nutritional rehabilitation of severely malnourished children aims at bringing the percentage of severely malnourished children to one percent," he said.
The necessary medical services, he said, would be provided to children identified as severely malnourished by the women and child development department last year.
The number of malnourished children in zero to five years age group was 3.3 million, which is about 50 percent of the total children in the state, the minister said.
The scheme envisages hospitalisation of malnourished children identified for institutional treatment for seven to 14 days and in the case of non-availability of government doctors at district/block level, services of private doctors would be enlisted, Vishnoi said.
Besides, Rs.100 would be paid to mothers of such children as reimbursement of costs incurred while bringing the children to hospital.