This is a sad story of a boy and his mother, both victims of Muscular dystrophy, the former left in the care of a muscular dystrophy home and the latter, being cared for by parents.
This is a sad story of a boy and his mother, both victims of Muscular dystrophy, the former left in the care of a muscular dystrophy home and the latter, being cared for by parents.
Nagarjuna, a 17 year old muscular dystrophy victim in Hyderabad misses his father terribly and has expressed a fervent wish to meet him. Indeed, for no fault of his, Nagarjuna has lost out on parental love, after his father, who works in a government organization, deserted him to remarry.The condition of Nagarjuna has deteriorated in the past five years due to lack of proper care. Suffering from Ducheene Muscular Dystrophy, the boy has been under the care of Venkatesh Muscular Dystrophy Foundation for the past one year, due to worsening of his condition.
Seeing the eagerness of the boy to meet his father, the chairman of the foundation approached the State Human Rights Commission to offer its assistance; a petition has been filed to this effect.
The president of the Indian Association of Muscular Dystrophy Sanjana Goyal, who is herself a victim of the condition said, "Management at the right age is very important to improve quality of life of patients. Just because there is no support system, people are forced to demand euthanasia (mercy killing)."
She emphasized the need for a proper support system for such patients and their families’ as the only way to improve the quality of life for such patients.