Researchers have observed higher rates of specific musculoskeletal injuries among female athletes as compared to their male counterparts.
Compared to their male counterparts, researchers have observed higher rates of specific musculoskeletal injuries among female athletes.
Exercise physiologist Vicki Harber in the Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation at the University of Alberta mentions in her paper entitled 'The Female Athlete Perspective,' that depending on the sport, there can be a two- to six fold difference in these types of injuries between male and female athletes.She insisted that many of the musculoskeletal injuries, particularly knee and shoulder injuries, are preventable.
Harber emphasized the risk of the Female Athlete Triad is an area that urgently needs attention for young female athletes.
Female Athlete Triad is three separate but interrelated conditions of disordered eating, amenorrhea and osteoporosis.
She added that attention must be paid to female athlete's proper nutrition to ensure both the athletic performance and healthy reproductive performance associated with bone health and overall wellbeing.
Canadian Sport for Life has published the study.