Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Centre have found evidence that music and language are processed by the same brain systems.
Researchers at Georgetown University Medical Centre have found evidence that music and language are processed by the same brain systems.
Language is processed by two brain systems. The system based in the temporal lobes helps humans memorize information such as, words and meanings, while the other based in the frontal lobes helps them unconsciously learn and use the rules that underlies language such as the rules of syntax in sentences.Now, Robbin Miranda, Ph.D., a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Neuroscience, Michael Ullman, Ph.D., professor of neuroscience, psychology, neurology and linguistics have found that the same systems are used when it comes to processing music.
The system based in the temporal lobes helps to memorize information in music such as familiar melodies, and the one based in the frontal lobes helps learn the rules of music, such as the rules of harmony.
“Up until now, researchers had found that the processing of rules relies on an overlapping set of frontal lobe structures in music and language. However, in addition to rules, both language and music crucially require the memorization of arbitrary information such as words and melodies,” the study’s principal investigator, Dr Ullman.
“This study not only confirms that one set of brain structures underlies rules in both language and music, but also suggests, for the first time, that a different brain system underlies memorized information in both domains. So language and music both depend on two different brain systems, each for the same type of thing – rules in one case, and arbitrary information in the other,” he added.
As a part of their study the researcher enrolled 64 adults, and used a technique called Event-Related Potentials, in which they measured the brain’s electrical activity using electrodes placed on the scalp.
The other half included novel tunes composed by Miranda. Three versions of each well-known and novel melody were created: melodies containing an in-key deviant note (which could only be detected if the melody was familiar, and therefore memorized); melodies that contained an out-of-key deviant note (which violated rules of harmony); and the original (control) melodies.
Out-of-key deviant notes constituted violations of musical rules in both well-known and novel melodies. Additionally, out-of-key deviant notes violated memory in well-known melodies.
Finally, both Miranda and Ullman examined the brain waves of the participants who listened to melodies in the different conditions, and found that violations of rules and memory in music corresponded to the two patterns of brain waves seen in previous studies of rule and memory violations in language.
They found that in-key violations of familiar (but not novel) melodies led to a brain-wave pattern similar to one called an “N400” that has previously been found with violations of words (such as, “I’ll have my coffee with milk and concrete”).
Out-of-key violations of both familiar and novel melodies led to a brain-wave pattern over frontal lobe electrodes similar to patterns previously found for violations of rules in both language and music. Finally, out-of-key violations of familiar melodies also led to an N400-like pattern of brain activity, as expected because these are violations of memory as well as rules.
“This tells us that these two aspects of music, that is rules and memorized melodies, depend on two different brain systems – brain systems that also underlie rules and memorized information in language. The findings open up exciting new ways of thinking about and investigating the relationship between language and music, two fundamental human capacities,” Ullman said.
The findings are currently available on-line and will be published later this year in the journal NeuroImage.