A self-help group in Uttarakhand has held a workshop to train women in preparing herbal medicines in Nainital to make them self-reliant.

" After being trained in how to make herbal medicines, these women can prepare them at home with ingredients that are easily available in the kitchen."
" For minor ailments they can prepare medicines at home itself instead of going to the market or to the chemist for small things, since health centres are not abundant in the area," she added.
The women at the workshop learnt to prepare 'Neem' oil and pills to cure gastric problem among other medicines.
The women said that they intend to sell the medicines prepared by them and to further impart their knowledge to other women in their villages.
The herbal medicines industry has a huge potential for growth and such projects can benefit the economies of rural India, which accounts for around 70 percent of country's population.