Danish University scientists have developed a nasal filter that can help in checking allergies and other symptoms generated from them.
Danish University scientists have developed a filter that can help in checking allergies and symptoms generated from them. The researchers from Aarhus University who have created the filter said it control symptoms related to allergy such as running nose, itching and sneezing. It is very easy to use the nasal filter. It is inserted in both the nostrils. It then blocks those particles which cause irritation.
It can also stop grass pollen from entering nostrils. Surprisingly, grass allergy is one of the most common reasons for allergic rhinitis. But researchers said that blocking the nose would force people to breathe through mouth and this would rather worsen the allergy. But scientists found that those who used the contact lens-size filter had 75 per cent less throat problems.
The study was published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology.
The filter called Rhinix has not been launched in the market yet and it will be tested on a larger scale this year.
“Preliminary tests in our allergy chamber show that the filter can both alleviate typical symptoms, and that you will not experience unacceptable discomfort when using it," said Professor Torben Sigsgaard from Aarhus University.