A National Conference on 'HIV/AIDS Research' is being organized by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) in collaboration with UNAIDS.
A National Conference on 'HIV/AIDS Research' is being organized by the National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) in collaboration with UNAIDS at India Habitat Centre in New Delhi from 19-21 January 2011. The theme of Conference is 'Towards Evidence-Policy linkages in HIV/AIDS Research in India.'
Besides serving as a national platform for exchange of knowledge, views and ideas among the researchers, program managers and policy makers in India the National Conference aims at providing evidences for program planning and policy formulation. This will aid to identify, plan/design and implement appropriate strategies for effective prevention and control of HIV epidemic in India. The Conference also looks forward to integrate preventive and therapeutic research on HIV /AIDS with the national program.
There will be 4 sessions- Basic Sciences, Clinical & Biomedical, Socio-behavioral and Evaluation Studies. Eminent researchers will address the attendants on important research areas. A large variety of resource material will be available at exhibition stalls. This scientific gathering looks forward to timely and appropriate National response to the HIV epidemic and planning for the next phase of National AIDS Control Program.