
Natural formula for protection against vision loss

The eyes of a human being are one of the most exquisite pieces of engineering in the whole human anatomy. However, as we age, the eyes become

The eyes of a human being are one of the most exquisite pieces of engineering in the whole human anatomy. However, as we age, the eyes become vulnerable to a debilitating degeneration as a result of the parts wearing out or breaking down, which ultimately might lead to blindness. These parts have to be kept from wearing out to help us attain a healthy eyesight for a lifetime. This, researchers have found, is possible through nutrients that work as antioxidants.

The damage caused by free radicals has often been touted as a reason for vision loss. These free radicals, which are found in everything from air pollution and chemicals in the water we drink, to preservatives in the foods we eat and the cigarette one smokes, are highly reactive molecules that bind to and destroy body components. The eyes have been found to be more vulnerable to free radical attacks as a result of their dependence on light to function properly. While light enables vision, paradoxically, it also creates additional free radicals that lead to cell and membrane damage.

Science has once again come to our rescue as researchers have found that nutrients and antioxidants can help neutralize dangerous free radicals, and may even provide additional benefits for maintaining healthy vision. These specific nutrients have now been used as the basis of the new patented formula named OcuPower. Many ophthalmologists have used this formula with very positive results. The U.S. government Veteran's Administration recently used the formula in the clinical study of 90 subjects who were double blinded. The results, which will soon be published has shown excellent benefits.









