
Neanderthals Vs. Early Modern Humans

by Medindia Content Team on Jan 22 2006 6:37 PM

A study was conducted by the anthropologists, from the University of Connecticut, University of Haifa, Hebrew University, and Harvard University.

They said that Neanderthals were very good in hunting and their skills were comparable to that of the early modern humans.

But the early modern humans were attributed as a cause for their extinction. This is due to the competition they received from the early modern humans as they were more intelligent and efficient than the Neanderthals.

But he study in the February issue of Current Anthropology, comes up with a different conclusion for their disappearance. It said that they shared similar hunting behavior but what led to their extinction was attributed to the nature’s process of evolution.

it is said that individual set of population has its own distinct ability to acquire and exploit critical information pertaining to animal availability and behavior.

to explain the existing difference between the Neanderthals and modern humans they used the new archaeological data from a Middle- and Upper-Paleolithic rock shelter in the Georgian Republic that dated to 60,000–20,000 years ago.

They also pointed that the developments in the social realm, acquisition of distant resources and division of labor are the reasons of the disappearance of the Neanderthals.

