Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects about two and a-half million children in the United States.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) affects about two and a-half million children in the United States. The children are put on medication but FDA says that strong warnings are required on the medication label because of the side effects. But parents are wondering if there will ever be a chemical-free way to help their children. The Bowens has found something that they say has worked for their son Brody. Brody was given three different medications. All three produced side effects, and none of them really worked. They decided to try neurofeedback, using video games that teach the brain to focus and concentrate.
In a game, called glider, the goal is to keep an eagle on a video screen flying up in the air. As Brody concentrates, the bird flies higher. But if Brody talks to someone, or looks away and loses focus, the eagle starts to drift down. Dr. James Sendelbach, who uses neurofeedback in his practice, explains that the brain is taught what is to be done. Brody has 40-minute neurofeedback sessions, twice a week. Dr. Sendelbach says that this has to be developed over a period of time and then one can see positive results. After the course of nine months, Brody’s behavior and his grades are better and he no longer depends on medications. Dr. Sendelbach explains that medication can help to change the situation in a temporary basis but neurofeedback finds a permanent solution.