Novel bandage made from gold and silk can be used as a painless alternative for wound healing. The skin need not be pierced or stabbed in this method, thereby reducing the risk of infections.
New type of bandage made from gold and silk can help replace the painful traditional stitches. The new bandage is activated when heat from a laser shines on it making it to bond to the skin and can help withstand seven times more pressure than normal.
‘Novel bandage made from gold and silk can be used as a painless alternative for wound healing. The skin need not be pierced or stabbed in this method, thereby reducing the risk of infections.’
In general, injuries cause a lot of pain to the patients and closing a wound with stitches is like adding fuel to the flame. Therefore, identification of this novel technique could be a painless alternative for wound healing.The skin doesn’t have to be pierced or stabbed in this method, and the bandage can directly be removed once the wound gets healed.
The thin strip has gold nanorods, which are 10000 times thinner than a human hair, that helps in converting laser into heat.
This heat triggers structural changes in silk and tissue, which makes it bond to the skin to help the wound heal. The invention can also help cut down the risk of infections, as human tissue need not be pierced.