
"New" Clear Advantages In Nuclear Medicine

Identifying the Nuclear in Nuclear Medicine as High Benefit

Generally the word "nuclear" conceives a hazy flawed perception in the mind concerning an indefinable ethereal energy that permits doctors to peer non invasively into the body.

In the words of Jonathan M Links the former president of Society of Nuclear Medicine(SNM), who has presented his views in the current issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, regarding understanding radiological and nuclear terrorism ," "Say the words 'nuclear medicine' and its powerful reality is that it is highly beneficial to life." "

According to Links professor and director of the center for Public Health Preparedness at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Md .the words 'radiation and radioactivity' at first conjures up negative thoughts among the public. Most people blindly believe that radiation is hazardous says Baltimore's radiation terror expert and co-author of "Understanding Radiological and Nuclear Terrorism as Public Health Threats: Preparedness and Response Perspectives, and he urges the public to seek for authentic scientific information. He elucidates that in reality radiation is of immense help to medical practitioners to thoroughly study, diagnose and treat disease.

Nuclear medicine involves giving minute quantities of radioactive substances to patients to study molecular processes within the body for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of any disease thereby detected. This is a field which over the years has grown and evolved diversely.

Today every reputed hospital in the U.S as a testimonial to this has established a Nuclear Medicine department Statistics show that 19.7 million nuclear medicine procedures were done on 17.2 million women men and children in over 7,200 medical centers all over United States which shows that there has been 15% increase since four years. It is estimated that each day around 55,000 people go through nuclear medicine (or molecular imaging) procedures to assess heart disease , identify cancer (CARCINOMA) and establish response to treatment, diagnose and appraise brain disorders and trace stress fractures.

