Frozen arctic soil contains nearly twice the greenhouse-gas-producing organic matter as was previously estimated, which reveals new clues to climate change, a new research has suggested.
Frozen arctic soil contains nearly twice the greenhouse-gas-producing organic matter as was previously estimated, which reveals new clues to climate change, a new research has suggested.
For the research, School of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences professor Chien-Lu Ping and a team of scientists used jackhammers to dig down more than one meter into the permafrost to take soil samples from more than 100 sites throughout Alaska.After analyzing the samples, the research team discovered a previously undocumented layer of organic matter on top of and in the upper part of permafrost, ranging from 60 to 120 centimeters deep.
This deep layer of organic matter first accumulates on the tundra surface and is buried during the churning freeze and thaw cycles that characterize the turbulent arctic landscape.
The resulting patterned ground plays a key role in the dynamics of carbon storage and release, Ping found.
When temperatures warm and the arctic soil churns, less carbon from the surface gets to the deeper part of the soil.
The carbon already stored in the deeper part of the soil is released into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, methane and other gases.
The more organic material stored in the tundra, the greater the potential effect of future releases, Ping stated.
"Where soil organic carbon is located in the soil profile is especially relevant and useful to climate warming assessments that need to evaluate effects on separate soil processes that vary with temperature and depth throughout the whole annual cycle of seasons," he added.