A new emergency aid meal called Instant Corn Soy Blend has been created especially for catering to the needs of hungry people.
A new emergency aid meal called Instant Corn Soy Blend has been created especially for catering to the needs of hungry people. The new instant corn-soy blend relies on an older technique called extrusion, where ingredients are mixed, cooked and pushed through an opening into a desirable shape, reports Discovery News.
Often, machines cook the product for a short period of time at high heats and pressures.
Researchers, including Charles Onwulata who led the effort, helped create these crunchy, puffy pieces of food.
During the final process, the puffs are milled into a fine, powdery blend, which makes it easier to ration and mix warm water into. Unlike previous foods, the product doesn't spoil and retains the same amount of nutrients throughout.
Researchers also sought to include more vitamin supplements that young children need during development. Often, these are the individuals who need humanitarian aid the most during humanitarian efforts.
Finding ways to better transport nutritious foods abroad remains an important challenge, as nearly 925 million people around the world are undernourished, according to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.