
New Guidelines for Osteoporosis treatment

According to reports the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) has planned new guidelines concerning osteoporosis treatments.

People suffering from osteoporosis (porous bones) are at higher risk of fractures. The existing treatments enhance bone density in order to prevent fragile bones.

Post menopausal women at any age are given bisposphanates and strontium ranelate. But Nice wants to execute guidelines according to which, only women above the age of 75 would be entitled to the drugs on the NHS.

Angela Jordan, deputy chief executive of the National Osteoporosis Society, said "These recommendations look set to leave women under 75 without a treatment to prevent the first broken bone. Nice is missing a vital opportunity to protect future generations from the pain and misery that broken bones can cause."

Nice provides guidance on drugs that should be made available on the NHS and this draft guidance will undergo a consultation process.

