A more intensive cholesterol treatment might be an option for people at high risk for heart attack and death from cardiovascular disease say
A more intensive cholesterol treatment might be an option for people at high risk for heart attack and death from cardiovascular disease say researchers based on findings of a recent study.
After examining five major clinical trials involving cholesterol-lowering medications, specialists recommend that very high-risk people set a goal of low-density lipids (the “bad” cholesterol) level less than 70 milligrams per deciliter.The updated guidelines suggest if drug therapy is used in people at high or moderately high risk, it should be aimed toward achieving a 30- to 40-percent reduction in LDL.For those with moderately high risk, specialists reinforce the need for treatment if LDL levels are 130 milligrams per deciliter or higher, and add an optional consideration of drug therapy if levels are between 100 milligrams per deciliter to 129 milligrams per deciliter.While changes refer mainly to drug treatment, specialists stress the importance of addressing risk factors related to lifestyle, such as obesity and lack of exercise.