The PRIDE Study will cover many health issues among the LGBT community such as diabetes, breast cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease and Parkinson’s disease.

Researches on diabetes, breast cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease and Parkinson’s disease has been conducted using ResearchKit framework to collect information.
Apple CEO Tim Cook has called ResearchKit as "perhaps the most profound change and positive impact the iPhone will make on our health."
The study is called as “PRIDE Study” may prove to be the largest study of LGBT health ever, to shed some light on the population’s unique health needs.
Mitchell Lunn, co-director of the PRIDE Study at UCSF, is hoping that the study will be useful in addressing the health concerns of transgender and bisexual people, an understudied segment of the LGBT population.
LGBT people can also suggest health topics pertaining to their community they want the study to addressed.