A new law would soon ban people under 18 years of age and those with fair skin from using sunbeds in New Zealand as a measure to prevent skin cancers.

Mr Hutchison said that the new rule aimed to prevent avoidable harm from ultraviolet (UV) radiation in solaria, sunlamps, sunbeds or tanning units by placing restrictions on the quantity of UV light used and restricting who could use the devices.
Currently under voluntary regulations sunbed operators are expected to make their customers aware of the side effects of using sunbeds. The harmful effects include premature aging, corneal burns, cataracts, ocular melanoma, and photo dermatitis. However, it is noticed that many operators do not comply with the standards.
According to WHO, melanoma risk increases by 75% when sunbeds are used before 30 years of age.
The summit is hosted by the Melanoma Network executive committee and the Health Promotion Agency.