Plaque Psoriasis characterized by itchy and painful skin disease can be treated better using a breakthrough drug discovered during recent clinical trials than the present medications.

The recent breakthrough from Arcutis Biotherapeutics DERMIS-1 and DERMIS-2 studies of phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitor drug roflumilast in cream form for plaque psoriasis is considered important.
In these clinical trials, roflumilast creams were safe and well tolerated among plaque psoriasis patients so it can be included instead of corticosteroids in mild and moderate cases.
If approved after comparator trials roflumilast will be the second PDE4 inhibitor following Amgen’s Otezla (apremilast) is set to launch in markets by 2022 across the UK, US, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Japan.