United Kingdom has introduced a policy that allows its citizen their right to choose their hospital for treatment.
The right to choose health policy to Briton citizen could increase advertising competition among Britain hospitals. The new policy is aimed at reducing the waiting time of the patients for getting treatment from NHS as the people can make their own choice of treatment at any of the four NHS centers or private hospitals at their comfortable location and choice. Health Secretary as assured that strict monitoring would be done at these hospitals so that they don’t compromise on their standards and also the cost of treatment.
The Ministers have also assured that by the year 2008, patients can have their choice of treatment at any of the hospitals or clinics they wanted but under strict standards and fixed NHS price. Critics feel that the new initiative is good for the public but they feel that the new policy would lead to unwanted spending of public money for advertising and can also lead to closure of small and less preferred hospitals like those in the rural areas.