A programme for helping college students curb their use of alcohol has been created by researchers from the University of Cincinnati.
A programme for helping college students curb their use of alcohol has been created by researchers from the University of Cincinnati.
Principal investigator Giao Tran, UC associate professor of psychology, says the program was geared toward college students who turned to drinking to keep the edge off their anxiety at social gatherings.Tran, along with Joshua Smith, a graduate student for the UC Department of Psychology, and Kevin Corcoran, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and professor of psychology at Northern Kentucky University, developed a program that used motivational interviewing and behavioural therapy to help socially anxious undergraduates curb tendencies that could resort to hazardous drinking.
Tran says college students who abuse alcohol can encounter problems in four key areas:
· Neglecting responsibilities which can take a toll on grades as well as job performance
· Dangerous behaviour such as drinking and driving
· Significant interpersonal problems such as getting into arguments and physical confrontations
· Legal problems
The challenge, Tran says, is motivating the students to get help. She adds that previous research has found that social anxiety was a unique predictor of alcohol dependence among adolescents. Research from UC psychologists has found that college students are more likely to seek help to relieve their anxiety over reporting a drinking problem.
The pilot program addressed both issues, as students were recruited into the program after reporting at least one heavy drinking episode (four or more drinks for women, five or more drinks for men), occasional to frequent drinking problems and discomfort from social anxiety in the month before entering this program, which resulted in 22 participants.
The second session examined social anxiety, drinking-related problems and family risk factors for both problems. The third session involved role-playing in a social situation with a research assistant, which provided the student with tools to effectively cope with anxiety while managing alcohol consumption. Follow-up meetings were conducted one month and four months after the series of three sessions.
“While prior studies have shown that a brief intervention using motivational interviewing helps reduce alcohol consumption or alcohol-related problems among college students, this study is the first to add strategies for coping with social anxiety in relation to alcohol intervention for college students,” says Tran.
The creation of the program was supported by 392,159 dollars in funding from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health.
Based on the preliminary results of the intervention program, Tran says UC researchers are now seeking additional funding to conduct a large-scale clinical trial on the findings.