A metabolic risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) has been identified, which supports the relationship between lipid oxidation and subsequent CHD.

‘Oxidized lipid is the most reliable new risk marker for coronary heart disease (CHD), which is not associated with traditional risk markers.’

Even though metabolic risk factors seem to be stronger in women, few studies have sought metabolic markers that is, measurable indicators that can be detected in blood samples of CHD in women.

A new study by Brigham and Women's Hospital researchers recently addressed this gap, uncovering a new biomarker for CHD. Their results are published in Circulation.
"We were particularly interested in analyzing samples from women to understand some of the mechanisms underlying these risks," said corresponding author Nina P. Paynter, Ph.D., of the Department of Medicine at BWH.
"We found a set of oxidized lipids that are novel markers for CHD, representing a different pathway contributing to CHD than the pathways we have previously considered."
By comparing the metabolic profiles of women with CHD and a control group of women, the researchers were able to identify one particular oxidized lipid as the most reliable new risk marker for CHD.
This marker is not associated with traditional risk markers, such as cholesterol levels and hypertension, suggesting that it contributes to CHD through a different pathway than the classical risk prediction markers.
"Part of the reason that our study is so exciting is because it highlights that by focusing on specific patient groups, such as women, that have been historically underrepresented in these sort of studies, we can uncover new mechanisms may contribute to disease in the entire population," said senior author Kathryn M. Rexrode, MD, MPH, Chief of the Division of Women's Health of the Department of Medicine at BWH.