
New Strains of TB Can Be Used as a Powerful Bioterror Weapon

Drug-resistant strains of the disease could be used in a bioterrorist attack against the U.S.

Despite billions of dollars spent on national security in airports, a man infected with XDR (extensively drug resistant) tuberculosis was allowed to travel unhindered into the United States, underscoring how drug-resistant strains of the disease could be used in a bioterrorist attack against the U.S.

The attention this story has been receiving over the past few days is no surprise, but it's just a glimpse of the potential nightmare ahead.

'It's the main reason we released the April special issue of the Gold & Energy Advisor, titled 'The biological 9/11 capable of killing millions!' on the dangers being presented by this new virulent strain of tuberculosis,' says James DiGeorgia, publisher and editor of the online investment and market advisory.

'We were taken back by the tremendous danger, and at the same time the lack of attention the U.S. government is giving it, after our interview with one of the world's foremost experts on this potentially lethal form of tuberculosis, Dr. Kanti Daya,' continued DiGeorgia.

'I am convinced that the absence of a viable program against tuberculosis (TB) being used as a weapon compromises our state of national security,' says Dr. Daya.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials lost track of an Atlanta resident with a rare, potentially deadly type of tuberculosis while overseas, only to have him re-enter the U.S. unchallenged. This raises questions on the government's ability to stop a would-be terrorist, in spite of advance intelligence, and highlights deficiencies in the nation's system to keep the direst of diseases from crossing borders.

The actual danger presented by the current panic is minimal when compared to what a coordinated, intentional attack by bioterrorists infected with the disease landing in population centers across the country would bring.

'The disease is communicated via airborne droplets. It has no color, odor or heat content that would alert you to avoid breathing. For example, an effective infection with anthrax requires between 8,000-10,000 particles. TB infection only requires an inoculum of 2-3 particles,' explains Dr. Kanti.

Dr. Kanti isn't the only one sounding the alarm. An Interpol official warned of a bioterror threat, based on evidence from captured terrorists. And the CIA has listed TB as a potential bioterror weapon.

Deadly new outbreaks have recently been reported in England and South Africa. A recent AP article cited one man in Phoenix who has been locked up because he is infected with a 'virtually untreatable' strain of tuberculosis, a strain that the WHO has been warning the public about.

'At least one-third of the world-two billion people-is infected with TB. Here in the U.S. we barely hear about these diseases ... we're [just] starting to feel their impact,' says Dr. Kanti.

Tuberculosis has been dubbed 'Captain of the Men of Death,' an apt sobriquet as the disease kills two million people each year-almost four people per minute.

Threat of suicide attackers becoming weapons of mass destruction by infecting themselves with a deadly strain of TB is so serious and potentially imminent that DiGeorgia recommends that every investor take the following steps:

· On any local news of an outbreak of tuberculosis, stay at home. Do not go to population centers. Keep contact with other people to a minimum, and keep 60-days of food on hand at home.
· Emergency gold. Keep 50-100 small (one-tenth ounce) U.S. Gold Eagle $10 coins in your home, safely hidden for emergency barter and bribes.
· Put gold in your IRA, and now! You can use current IRA money to fund this investment.

'Any major terrorist attack that disrupts the financial markets will result in the Federal Reserve pumping liquidity into the economy, which will send precious metals skyrocketing. In this kind of environment, rare gold silver and platinum coins will go BERSERK,' said DiGeorgia.

Source: PRNewswire











