
New Straw To Help Children Take Medicine

Germany’s drugs firm Grunenthal has developed a new drinking straw called the 'Clarosip' which will help parents administer bitter medicine to their children. The straw contains and releases an antibiotic that will give the medicine a neutral taste. The straw also contains a filter which indicates when the whole dose of the medication has been taken.

The tasteless cover of the granulated medication - clarithromycin - is developed to dissolve in the stomach. If the child does not swallow the liquid immediately and the cover dissolves in the child's mouth, the bitterness of the antibiotic might be felt.

So, parents must ensure that the child sips the liquid in one sitting so that all the granules are swallowed.

Said David Pruce of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society: 'It is important that children finish the full course of a prescribed course of the antibiotic to reduce the risk of the infection recurring. It's often more difficult towards the end of a course when a child is getting better because there is less immediate motivation to continue with it. But parents should persevere'.

Each year, millions of pounds worth of National Health Service (NHS)-issued medicines are never taken.


Medindia on drugs:
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