
New Targets for Neurological, Cardiovascular Diseases Identified

by Sheela Philomena on Jan 11 2011 2:18 PM

A new research has brought into light the links between signaling molecules, which have implications for potential future treatment of epilepsy, stroke and other problems.

 New Targets for Neurological, Cardiovascular Diseases Identified
A new research has brought into light the links between signaling molecules, which have implications for potential future treatment of epilepsy, stroke and other problems.
Neuroscientists from the UT Health Science Center San Antonio have shown that two important signaling molecules communicate across nerve cells to regulate electrical and chemical activity.

"We now have novel targets for therapeutic intervention for a range of neurological and cardiovascular diseases, including stroke, epilepsy, dementia, hypertension, mental illness and others," said senior author Mark S. Shapiro.

By isolating nerve cells from rats, the San Antonio team found a relationship between signaling enzymes called phosphoinositide kinases and calcium ions.

Calcium transport and levels of calcium concentrations inside nerve cells are extremely important for proper neurobiological function, Shapiro said.

The study appeared in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

