New study was done by John G. Sled of the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto on novel ultrasound technique. Funding was provided partially by NIH's Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.
Novel ultrasound technique can detect impaired flow of maternal blood through the placenta. Through conventional technique, physicians can identify placental abnormalities that impair fetal blood flow and, if necessary, deliver the fetus early. The Study appears in eBioMedicine.
‘New technique provides a way to diagnose circulation problems in the placenta that can harm the fetus early in pregnancy.’
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New technique with ultrasound scans was tested on women between the 26th and 32nd weeks of pregnancy and diagnosed those with circulatory problems in the maternal or fetal part of the placenta.Read More..
The diagnoses were verified after giving birth by comparing them to the results of physical examination of the placentas they delivered. 40 women had placentas without circulation problems, 16 had placentas with fetal circulation problems, and 30 had maternal placenta circulation problems.
New method provides a way to diagnose circulation problems in the placenta that can harm the fetus and would otherwise go undetected until late in pregnancy.