In US a new technique that put the patient in the twilight zone between life and death help the surgeons carry out life saving emergency surgeries
In US a new technique that put the patient in the twilight zone between life and death help the surgeons carry out life saving emergency surgeries.
Dr Hasan Alam, a trauma surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, first discussed the details of this method. In this method the surgeons drain out the blood from the patients and perform the surgery.After the completion of the surgery the blood is warmed and pumped back into the body. This enables the patient to come back to the reality.
This experiment was successfully carried out in pigs and is anticipated to work well in case of human trials. The findings were reported in the New Scientist Magazine.
It is hope that millions of lives could be saved if this technique works well in the case of humans.
Lives of many people with gunshots and accident causalities can be saved by this technique.
Basically the technique involves cooling of the body to those temperatures wherein less amount of oxygen is required by the body.