Super Cities like New York are sometimes good from far but far from good! A city that has always defined power, money, opportunity and over all a good life, might not be promoting feelings
Super Cities like New York are sometimes good from far but far from good! A city that has always defined power, money, opportunity and over all a good life , might not be promoting feelings of well-being in its residents.
According to a latest survey, New Yorkers happen to be a highly distressed lot compared to the other parts of United States. The survey results were a cause of distress, opining that nearly one out of seven adults complained of being emotionally disturbed.The findings were inferred after a poll of 10,000 randomly selected adults, initiated annually since 2002. The results lent credence to the fear uppermost in many minds, that living in a crowded, demanding city can be mentally exhausting, though the reasons for the delicate emotional state are still not very clear.