
Nicotine Patches help to quit smoking

Using nicotine patches two weeks increases the chances of quitting smoking as the presence of nicotine from the patch makes the body not interested in the tobacco from inhaled source leading to loss of interest in smoking and the intention to quit smoking increases and the researchers have reported their finding in the Journal Nicotine and Tobacco Research. Researchers have also found no serious adverse effects occurring due to use of nicotine patches.

Professor Jed E. Rose, Duke University Center for Nicotine and Smoking Cessation compared the effect of using nicotine on 96 smokers who had plans of quitting smoking, the researchers compared the effect of using nicotine patches on quitting smoking, in a study in which half of the patients were given nicotine patches and the other half as placebo giving them a fake patch and the researchers found that patients who used a true nicotine patch easily quit smoking compared to patients who took a placebo nicotine patch.
