Belgium has found an unexpected ally for the treatment of septic shock, the major cause of death in intensive care units, by a team of scientists.
Belgium has found an unexpected ally for the treatment of septic shock, the major cause of death in intensive care units, by a team of scientists.
Researchers at VIB and Ghent University in Flanders discovered that by inducing the release of nitric oxide (NO) gas in mice with septic shock, the animal's organs showed much less damage, while their chances of survival increased significantly.That's contrary to all expectations, since it is generally assumed that nitric oxide is responsible for the potentially lethal drop in blood pressure in septic shock.
Septic shock, or sepsis, is a medical condition in which acute inflammation, low blood pressure, and blood clotting cause a dangerous decrease in the delivery of blood to the organs. Because of the lack of oxygen, the patient's organs start to fail, one after the other.
It is generally assumed that nitric oxide (NO) gas is responsible for the hypotension and cardiovascular collapse in septic shock. Therefore, a lot of medical research is focused on combating NO, which is also a messenger molecule in the body.
Attempts to inhibit its production paradoxically led to a worsening of the organ damage and in an increased lethality, both in animal models and in a clinical trial in sepsis patients.
This led to the assumption that NO also has positive effects in sepsis, but up to now NO remained a prime suspect for the pathogenesis of the cardiovascular shock.
The nitrite treatment, in sharp contrast with the worsening effect of inhibiting NO-synthesis, significantly attenuates hypothermia, mitochondrial damage, oxidative stress and dysfunction, tissue infarction, and mortality in mice.
For now, not only is this discovery revolutionizing the way in which scientists view nitric oxide's role in septic shock - it also opens possibilities for treatment.
The study will appear in The Journal of Experimental Medicine.