Nitrogen pollution is one of the biggest environmental issues faced by humans today and requires urgent action from nations around the world, reported the UN Environment agency.

‘Even though nitrogen is essential for life, an excess of nitrogen has tremendous consequences to humans and the environment that threaten life, climate, and ecosystem.’

By scanning the technological and environmental horizons, the report identifies five major topics -- synthetic biology, ecological connectivity, permafrost peatlands, nitrogen pollution and maladaptation to climate change. 

Nitrogen is essential for life but excess nitrogen pollution has tremendous consequences on humans and the environment, the report said. In the form of nitrous oxide, for example, it is 300 times more powerful than carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas, in addition to the effects of various nitrogen compounds on air quality and the ozone layer.
"Altogether, humans are producing a cocktail of reactive nitrogen that threatens health, climate and ecosystems, making nitrogen one of the most important pollution issues facing humanity," the report warns.
"Yet the scale of the problem remains largely unknown and unacknowledged outside scientific circles," it adds.