Cognitive outcomes among kids do not vary with antiseizure medications taken by their mothers during pregnancy.

‘Controlling epilepsy with lamotrigine or levetiracetam during pregnancy may be safe for babies.’
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The study was done on 382 children who were assessed for language development at age two. The researchers also compared developmental scores with third trimester blood levels of antiseizure medication in these children.Read More..

Kids born to healthy women and those born to women with epilepsy do not show significant differences in language development scores at age two. Their language development was not linked to third trimester blood levels of epilepsy medications.
Kids born to mothers with the very highest levels of antiseizure medication in the blood during the third trimester did have somewhat lower scores on tests in the motor and general adaptive domains, which refer to skills related to self-care, such as feeding.
Follow up will done until kids reached 6 years. Results indicate that controlling epilepsy with these medications during pregnancy may be safe for babies.