Most Kiwi would rather give up alcohol than forgo sex, according to a new poll.

Few respondents wanted to give up sex, with only 14 percent overall happy to forgo that particular pleasure for their favourite tipple, reports
However, 1 out of 10 men and two out 10 women prefer the bar to the bed.
A few diehards (4 percent) said they'd rather drink than have any friends and 5 percent of them said they'd rather have a night cap rather than a good night's sleep.
At least they won't be driving home, since virtually no one (7 percent), would give up the car for the jar.
Coffee is another fix that many can't go without, with 7 out of 10 people saying that if the choice was between a hot drink or a cold one they'd head to a cafe.
The internet's favourite pastime, social networking, which recently overtook looking at pornography as the most popular online activity, has hooked so many that about half of people would rather chat online than have a drink with real people.
The poll comes in the wake of the Drug Foundation's first ever FebFast, which challenges people to stop drinking alcohol for the month to raise money for charity.
Research New Zealand director Emanuel Kalafatelis said it was encouraging people were willing to give up alcohol when pushed.
Kalafatelis said when people were asked how long they were prepared to give up drinking for, most said it was for more than a month.