A different bacterium called Staphylococcus lugdunensis, which is more commonly found in some noses than others, produces an S. aureus-fighting antibiotic.

‘A different bacterium called Staphylococcus lugdunensis, which is more commonly found in some noses than others, produces an S. aureus-fighting antibiotic.’

"We have started a larger screening programme and we are sure there will be many additional antibiotics that can be discovered from these sources." Antibiotic compounds are usually obtained from bacteria which live in the soil. But more and more disease-causing bugs are developing resistance to existing antibiotics, turning previously minor infections into potentially deadly ones. 

According to some estimates, drug-resistant bacteria may within decades be causing more deaths than cancer. Resistance is caused, among other things, by doctors overprescribing antibiotics, and patients not taking the correct doses. Some germs, including those that cause tuberculosis, can be resistant to multiple drugs.
Peschel and a team examined why 30 percent of people have Staphylococcus aureus bacteria in their nose, and 70 percent do not. S. aureus is one of the most frequent causes of severe bacterial infections, and claims many human lives. A strain of S. aureus has developed antibiotic resistance.
The researchers discovered that a different bacterium called Staphylococcus lugdunensis, which is more commonly found in some noses than others, produces an S. aureus-fighting antibiotic. They christened the compound Lugdunin. In mice, the newly discovered antibiotic cleared or improved skin infections in lab experiments, the team reported, apparently without any toxic side-effects.
These were "very unexpected and exciting findings that can be very helpful, we think, for new concepts for the development of antibiotics," Peschel told journalists ahead of the study being published by British journal Nature.
There are more than 1,000 microbe species living in the human body, raising the possibility of many more antibiotic-producing bacteria just waiting to be discovered. The researchers concluded that "human microbiota should be considered as a source for new antibiotics."