Pixel super-resolution using wavelength scanning uses the sample under the microscope repeatedly using different wavelengths of light.
Scientific research has attained great heights with the use of digital microscopy and it is changing how clinical pathology labs are run. The technique, which relies on sensors full of pixels, has its downsides and in certain cases produces less than ideal pictures. // > Researchers at California NanoSystems Institute at University of California, Los Angeles have developed a technique called “pixel super-resolution using wavelength scanning” that can result in much sharper images.
‘Pixel super-resolution technique uses different wavelengths of light to produce sharper images of pathogens from stained or unstained samples.’
The technique scans the sample under the microscope repeatedly using
different wavelengths of light. Using this information, a special algorithm
combines the scans into one in which individual pixels are smaller than the
original.The researchers tested the microscopy technique on blood samples and pap smears, demonstrating high resolution imaging, both on stained and unstained samples.