
Novel Rules And Regulations For Cardiovascular Catheterization Labs.

Vrious rules have been improved in the cardiovascular cath lab to prevent infections

A novel set of regulations was established by The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI).

They were basically for the welfare of the patients who underwent cardiovascular implantations and other invasive procedures, doctors and other staff members. All the cardiological procedures have become more complex and needs extra care in the sterilization unit.

These rules are mainly to enforce sterilization and prevent infection in the cardiovascular catheterization labs.

The development of a set of rules was made possible with the help of Dr. Charles E. Chambers, (professor of medicine and radiology at Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, PA) and a jury of skilled doctors.

Nearly 80% of the SCAI members wanted a change from the existing rules. Dr Chamber and his jury set out mainly to the various Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and has gathered the most relevant information and modified it accordingly to the labs needs.

As a result the newly developed set of rules included a number of things such as the type of antibacterial soap to be used. Information regarding the status under which antibiotics must be administered to patients. The protective gloves, clothing, mask adorned by the cardiac catheterization laboratory personnel, level of air movement inside the lab are all detailed.

The rules are easy to understand and follow. It guarantees protection to the patients, staff and on the whole helps in the complete maintenance of the laboratory and prevents infection as they are totally destructive during post interventional catheterizations.

By strictly following these rules the rate of infection can be lowered in the cardiovascular catheterization laboratories.









