
Novel Vitamin D source in Mushrooms!

Generally Vitamin D is found in either sunrays or in animal sources but there is a strong contender in mushrooms for that. The research says that brief UV exposure can enhance the blandest and whitest farmed mushrooms the Vitamin D. The Food and Drug Administration proposed study is being funded by industry.

This would be an answer to the concern with the vitamin deficiency. It would be both cheap and widely available. The encouraging part is that the ongoing work so far has found that a single serving of white button mushrooms will contain 869 percent the daily value of vitamin D once exposed to just five minutes of UV light after being harvested . vitamin D.

Many studies have shown that many adult Americans do not spend enough time outside to receive enough UV exposure needed to produce ample vitamin D. The problem is especially acute in winter.

That worries health officials and not only because of rickets, the soft-bone disease linked to vitamin D deficiency that was a scourge in decades past. Thus, through Beelman and his research who have shown that exposing growing mushrooms to three hours of artificial UV light increases their vitamin D content significantly could be a boon.

That could be easier than exposing fresh-picked mushrooms to light, Beelman said. The only drawback is that the white button mushrooms - like people - tend to darken with increased UV exposure, were his views.
